CRUX Parisian Easter music from the 13th & 14th centuries
Ensemble Peregrina Agnieszka Budzinska-Bennett
GCD 922505 Glossa SCB. 1 CD. Digipak
Performing artists
Agnieszka Budzinska-Bennett, voice & harp Kelly Landerkin, voice Lorenza Donadini, voice Baptiste Romain, vielle & rubeba
Production details
Total playing time 70:44 Recorded in the Heilige Kreuz Kirche Binningen- Bottmingen (Switzerland) in June 2010 Engineered and produced by Malgorzata Albinska-Frank Executive producers: Thomas Drescher (SCB), Carlos Céster (Glossa) Design: Valentín Iglesias Booklet essays: Agnieszka Budzinska-Bennett English Français Deutsch Español
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Parisian Easter music from the 13th & 14th centuries
Breves dies hominis[Paris, 13th century; 1-voice rondellus]
Estampie I[vielle]
Quis tibi Christe meritas[Paris, 13th century; 3-voice conductus]
Homo vide que pro te patior[Philip the Chancellor (c. 1165-1236); 1-voice conductus]
Clavus pungens acumine[Philip the Chancellor; 2-voice conductus]
A sinu Patris mittitur[Paris, 13th century; 1-voice rondellus]
Planctus ante nescia[Geoffrey of St. Victor (d. 1198); 1-voice prosa]
Cruci Domini / Crux, forma / PORTARE[Paris, 13th century; 1-voice motet]
Crux, de te volo conqueri[Philip the Chancellor; 1-voice conductus]
Estampie II[vielle]
Stabat iuxta Christi crucem[Burgos, 14th century; 1-voice prosa]
Vineam meam plantavi[Paris, 13th century; 1-voice rondellus]
Adam novus[Fleury, 13th century; 1-voice song]
Surgit Christus cum tropheo[Prague, 14th century; 1-voice sequence]
Victime paschali laudes[Burgos, 14th century; 2-voice prosa]
Resurgentis Domini[Burgos, 14th century; 3-voice Benedicamus]
Mors vite propitia[Paris, 13th century; 1-voice rondellus]
Acerca de este CD
La pasada primavera, Glossa comenzó a editar grabaciones como parte de un nuevo acuerdo con la prestigiosa Schola Cantorum de Basilea, y ahora un nuevo título a cargo del Ensemble Peregrina vuelve a demostrar la vitalidad que emana de la institución suiza. Este conjunto, que tiene su sede asimismo en Basilea y que comezó su actividad hace más de 10 años (tras completar sus integrantes sus estudios en la SCB), centra su atención en la música medieval, tanto sacra como profana. Su objetivo es iluminar la época del medievo con su especial atención a las relaciones entre los textos y la música. Dirigido por Agnieszka Budzinska-Bennett, el Ensemble Peregrina se compone actualmente de artistas procedentes de Italia, Francia, Polonia y los Estados Unidos, y en su grabación para Glossa presentan un programa de la Alta Edad Media (siglos XIII y XIV).
Con repertorio monofónico y polifónico de la Escuela de Notre-Dame parisina (incluyendo una buena selección de piezas del poeta, predicador y filósofo Philippe Le Chancelier) y de nova cantica de Aquitania tal y como figura en el Códice de Las Huelgas de un siglo más tarde, las tres cantantes del Ensemble Peregrina (a las que se une el instrumentista Baptiste Romain) exploran una programa pascual construido en torno a los motivos de la Cruz, la Resurrección y la mortalidad desde el punto de vista cristiano. En este disco, el Ensemble Peregrina afronta un importante repertorio de ya siete siglos de antiguëdad con su particular sensibilidad dramática, aportando un colorido especial a una historia altamente entretenida.
It is not only discerning music lovers around the globe who are giving a warm welcome to the recordings which are being published on Glossa; critical approval in the specialist media has been joining in as well. One example of the latter is the newly-instigated International Classical Music Awards (ICMA) which, for its inaugural 2011 edition, has chosen no less than nine of Glossa’s recent releases in its initial nominations. [read more...]
There could be no neater way of expressing how the educational aims of the Schola Cantorum Basiliensis can be realized today than the recent recording on Glossa of The Passions by William Hayes, with a member of the faculty in Anthony Rooley conducting choral and orchestral forces drawn from the Schola and with soloists who have been students there (or who also teach there like Evelyn Tubb). [read more...]
Central to the research into and the performance of early music since the beginnings of the renewed interest into music from previous centuries the Schola Cantorum Basiliensis (SCB) remains an extraordinary powerhouse of talent ranging over music from the early Middle Ages through to the 19th century. Today its pupils are legion, as too are its teachers, amply fulfilling the aspirations of Paul Sacher when he founded the institution in Switzerland in 1933. In an agreement recently made between Glossa and the SCB fresh new life is being breathed into the desire to bring the fruits of all this musical activity to a much wider worldwide audience through recordings. [read more...]