Gesualdo Consort Amsterdam Harry van der Kamp
GCD 922406 2 CDs plus booklet in slipcase
Performing artists
Nele Gramß, Stephanie Petitlaurent, Marnix De Cat, Franz Vitzthum, Marcel Beekman, Harry van Berne, Nico van der Meel, Harry van der Kamp with: Marijke van der Harst, Dorothee Mields, Koen van Stade, Job Boswinkel, Jelle Draijer, Kees-Jan de Koning, Bernard Winsemius
Production details
Recorded in Renswoude, Netherlands, in May and July 2009 Engineered and produced by Stephan Schellmann (Tritonus) A production of the Stichting Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinck in co-operation with the Nederlandse Programma Stichting (NPS) Executive producer: Carlos Céster Design: Valentín Iglesias Booklet essay: Pieter Dirksen English - Français - Deutsch
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Cantiones Sacrae
CD I [68:37]
Motet01 Diligam te, Domine
Cantiones Sacrae: Psalm motets02 In te Domine speravi03 Diligam te, Domine04 Ecce nunc benedicite Dominum05 Cantate Domino canticum novum06 Venite exultemus Domino07 Laudate Dominum omnes gentes08 De profundis clamavi ad te Domine09 Domine Deus meus, in te speravi,10 Beati omnes qui timent Dominum
Canon11 Vanitas vanitatum
Cantiones Sacrae: Nativity motets 12 Ab Oriente venerunt Magi13 Hodie Christus natus est14 Gaude et laetare, Jerusalem15 In illo tempore16 Hodie beata virgo Maria17 Ecce virgo concipiet et pariet filium18 Gaudete omnes et laetamini19 Magnificat anima mea Dominum20 Angelus ad pastores ait
Canon21 Beatus qui soli Deo confidit,
CD II [78:11]
Motet01 Felix auspiciis dies secondis
Cantiones Sacrae: Gospel motets 02 Non omnis qui dicit mihi, Domine 03 Ecce prandium meum paravi 04 Beati pauperes spiritu 05 Petite et accipietis 06 Euge serve bone et fidelis 07 Qui vult venire post me 08 Paracletus autem Spiritus sanctus 09 Ubi duo vel tres congregati fuerint 10 Tanto tempore vobiscum sum
Cantiones Sacrae: Passion and other motets 12 O Domine Jesu Christe13 Iusti autem in perpetuum vivent 14 O Sacrum Convivium 15 Vide homo, quae pro te patior 16 O quam beata lancea 17 Videte manus meas et pedes meos 18 Viri Galilei, quid statis aspicientes 19 Timor Domini principium sapientiae 20 Regina coeli laetare
Canon21 Ave maris stella (organ version)22 Ave maris stella (vocal version)
Cantiones Sacrae: Te Deum23 Te Deum laudamus
About this edition
In the summer of 2009 Harry van der Kamp and his Gesualdo Consort Amsterdam finished, with the recording of these Cantiones Sacrae, their epic journey through the complete vocal oeuvre of Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinck. All in all, a total of 17 CDs of music had been recorded, giving rise to the publication by Glossa of “Het Sweelinck Monument”, a collection of six limited-edition CD-books, with texts in Dutch and distributed solely in the Netherlands. This is music of the highest quality, whose circulation shouldn’t be limited, however, to Sweelinck’s home country. For that reason, following the international release of The Secular Vocal Works in 2009 (GCD 922401), and before publishing at the end of this year a grand box set containing the 150 Psalms, we are now presenting this double disc set of the five-part motets.
Brought together in 1619, the collection Cantiones Sacrae quinque vocum was published in Catholic Antwerp by Petrus Phalesius, the same publisher who a quarter of a century previously had issued the Chansons by the same composer. These are motets which present a special mastery of counterpoint and an uncommon sense of melodic and harmonic refinement. An expertly-knowledgeable article from specialist Pieter Dirksen and a cover design which portrays the Oude Kerk in Amsterdam (the church in which Sweelinck was organist for a large part of his life and where he is buried) complete this stimulating release.
Not content with a career as a bass soloist (in music extending from 1300 to the present day) or as a teacher (he holds a professorship in early music in Bremen), Harry van der Kamp has for over two decades been directing the Gesualdo Consort Amsterdam, an ensemble whose repertoire encompasses the entire madrigal repertoire of the 16th and 17th centuries. Precious recording activities of the group have extended to music by Emilio de’Cavalieri, Scipione Lacorcia as well as by Carlo Gesualdo himself. Yet van der Kamp has been stirred by the fact that no fitting tribute – no monumental representation wrought in stone or metal – exists to commemorate the composer who he regards as “the greatest that we ever have had in Holland”: Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinck.[read more...]